Medicines are prescribed, not on the basis of a single symptom, but on a much larger picture, which includes the person’s constitution, past medical and life history, mental and emotional state, life-style and much more.

In order for me to get an overview of your health now and in the past, I ask that you fill out the registration/new patient questionnaire.

Unkept appointments or those cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will usually be charged in full.

The first consultation lasts approximately 1.5 hours as I will need to take a thorough medical history and gain an understanding of your individual nature and how you are affected by your illness.

Children’s homeopathy consultations are very flexible and I will often spend time observing the child at play in my room. This gives me a considerable amount of information which then informs my remedy prescription. Information of a sensitive nature or…

After your consultation has finished I will need to work on your case. This can take a great deal of time depending upon the complexity of it. Once my analysis has finished and the medicine is decided upon, it will be…

I am available to be contacted by phone or email between appointments at no extra cost if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment or any symptoms you may be experiencing. I make every endeavour to return calls…

Follow up consultations will usually be around four to six weeks after the first prescription, although in some cases it may be sooner. In order to assess any changes that have occurred since you took the medicine and to make…

Homeopathic medicines are gentle, non-addictive and can be used alongside conventional medicine.