Individualised treatment is the essence of homeopathy
All consultations are confidential and conducted according to the code of ethics as laid down by the Society of Homeopaths. My aim is to support you in moving towards greater balance, vitality and health.
Individualised treatment
Medicines are prescribed, not on the basis of a single symptom, but on a much larger picture, which includes the person’s constitution, past medical and life history, mental and emotional state, life-style and much more.
New patients
In order for me to get an overview of your health now and in the past, I ask that you fill out the registration/new patient questionnaire.
Cancellations / Changing Appointments
Unkept appointments or those cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will usually be charged in full.
What To Expect?
The first consultation lasts approximately 1.5 hours as I will need to take a thorough medical history and gain an understanding of your individual nature and how you are affected by your illness.
Children’s Consultations
Children’s homeopathy consultations are very flexible and I will often spend time observing the child at play in my room. This gives me a considerable amount of information which then informs my remedy prescription. Information of a sensitive nature or…
When do I get the medicine and how do I take it?
After your consultation has finished I will need to work on your case. This can take a great deal of time depending upon the complexity of it. Once my analysis has finished and the medicine is decided upon, it will be…
Between Appointments
I am available to be contacted by phone or email between appointments at no extra cost if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment or any symptoms you may be experiencing. I make every endeavour to return calls…
Follow up Appointments
Follow up consultations will usually be around four to six weeks after the first prescription, although in some cases it may be sooner. In order to assess any changes that have occurred since you took the medicine and to make…
Seeing your GP
Homeopathic medicines are gentle, non-addictive and can be used alongside conventional medicine.
Individualised treatment
New patients
Cancellations / Changing Appointments
What To Expect?
Children’s Consultations
When do I get the medicine and how do I take it?
Between Appointments
Follow up Appointments
Seeing your GP
Frequently Asked Questions
From April 2020 all consultations are available only by
Video Call (Zoom, Skype, What’s App) or Telephone.
When booking your consultation please check you have selected the right time zone.
The Consultation will take place at the time selected. If you arrive late, we will still have to finish at the correct time so that I can see my next client.
When booking you can specify whether you prefer Zoom or Skype. If Zoom, I will email you the link before the consultation. Alternatively, we can use FaceTime or What’sApp if other methods are not available to you.
I will send instructions of which remedy to order, and details of good local Homeopathic pharmacies.
I might ask for email updates in-between consultations if needed.
To book an appointment :
- Go to “Book Now”
- Select the type of consultation you would like to book
- Select your time zone
- The diary will highlight the next available appointment
- Choose the one which suits you best
It is a myth that homoeopathy is slow acting. Homoeopathy is in fact fast acting in acute conditions such as fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. However, most of the times what happens is the patient comes to us with long history of chronic illness. Therefore the treatment takes time. For example, in chronic cases of arthritis, skin allergies, asthma etc. affecting the patient for 15-20 years the remedy must be given 6 months to a year to treat the problem effectively.
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by serial dilutions to liberate it’s healing properties and contain no material substance in them. Hence, no side effects. However, if homeopathic medication is taken without the supervision of a qualified homoeopath they can have adverse effects.
Rarely after the homeopathic treatment is given, there can be increase in your complaints. There can be two reasons for this. First and the more common reason can be the stopping of pain killers or ointment applications which may have kept your symptoms suppressed for a long time and due to removal of that factor, the complaints will be experienced in its actual intensity. In that case, homeopathic medicine should gradually bring the whole thing under control.
Another possibility is that after the homeopathic treatment there is slight and short worsening followed by rapid relief. This initial worsening is often the reaction of our body before the healing occurs and is a very good sign. An old complaint that has been not taken care off might recur for a certain period of time during the course of the treatment. This is an important part of the healing process. Do not panic but inform me immediately. These symptoms settle down completely. Sometimes a skin rash may appear during the course of the treatment. This is because as the treatment progress the disease is thrown from a more important internal organ to a less important outer part like the skin.
Another reaction that may be noticed during the course of homeopathic treatment is that your original problems will get better gradually and then some new symptoms may appear. These new problems may indicate that we need to change your medicine and give you something that will cover this new picture and thereby help you in achieving a holistic cure.
You have to keep the medicine on the tongue so that it comes in contact with the nerves. That is the reason why we say not to eat anything half an hour before or after. So that the tongue has nothing else that will interfere with the absorption of the medicine.
During the course of homoeopathic treatment or after it has been stopped if something happens in your daily life at mental or physical level to upset the balance created in your system by the homoeopathic medicine the original complaint can be felt again. However these episodes will be very rare and their intensity will be minimal. This is because the medication makes you capable of handling situations better and fighting your stress better.
In homoeopathy we do not have separate medicine for head, nose, ears, throat, etc. We give one single medicine which affects the patient as a whole. There is no medicine for any particular disease but there is medicine for the patient who is suffering from the disease. A single remedy is chosen on the basis of holistic approach which treats different complaints of the same person.
Please contact me as soon as you develop any infection or an acute problem as it can be a part of . The medicines given at this time are fast-acting and can relieve you of any discomfort, pain etc. At times these episodes are very characteristic to the individual and help in understanding the longstanding complaint in a better way. Consequently the long-standing problem is helped better and the frequency of such acute episodes also reduces. It is recommended that you maintain your relationship with your GP and homeopathic medicine can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary services.
The amount of sugar present is negligible for it to affect diabetics.
Homoeopathic medication must be stored in dry conditions and away from sunlight in a cool dark place. They must be discarded when they get moist or change colour to a yellow taint. The medication must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, mint, menthol ,strong oils and perfumes etc.
Homoeopathy has excellent result in infants even few days or months old. Infant colic, fevers, colds etc. can be well taken care of.